Nonton Voyage of Time Lifes Journey 2017 Subtitle Indonesia
Nonton Voyage of Time Lifes Journey 2017 Subtitle Indonesia Documentary Drama 4 May 2017 France
Nonton Voyage of Time Lifes Journey 2017 Subtitle Indonesia Documentary Drama 4 May 2017 France – Sinopsis – Voyage of Time Lifes Journey Terrence Malick’s first documentary has been described by the director himself as “one of my greatest dreams”. It is a collage film (like Koyaanisqatsi by Godfrey Reggio) that intends to illustrate the birth and death of an undiscovered universe. A film that promises to be highly experimental and perhaps Malick’s most ambitious film. The story of the universe itself, with powerful images, from the Big Bang to the Mesozoic era and through the present and beyond, based on a project conceived decades ago. The film was made in two versions, a long one for theatres with Cate Blanchett as the narrator, and a 40′ version for Imax with Brad Pitt as the narrator.
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Director: Terrence Malick/span>
Writers: Terrence Malick
Stars: Cate Blanchett, Jamal Cavil, Maisha Diatta
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